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Skills, Opportunities, Survival in Kenya (SOSK)


Skills, Opportunity, Survival in Kenya (SOSK) is a not for profit charity organisation in Naivasha, Kenya. Its focus is to fund programs which promote the education of slum children, and on vocational training for destitute women in this area. SOSK's objective is to offer these people the opportunity to learn skills for employability, relevant life-skills and to develop knowledge of fundamental health and hygiene. In light of the current climate of Covid-19, the hygiene workshops held last year, in particular hand hygiene, only act to further highlight the relevancy and necessity of these practical lessons.

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SOSK has several supportive partnerships with Kenyan programs. One of these is Life Beads Kenya, who work with local women to teach craft skills. Attaining skill in beading and sewing provides a positive alternative to the prospect of being unskilled and tied to poverty. Additionally, the profits made from their sales helps the women to break their cusotomary servitude to males in the tribe. During this time of pandemic, Life Beads Kenya have capitalised on a gap in supply to sew cloth masks, and fill the workshop with trainees to complete mass orders for hospitals, workplaces and individuals.

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The Church on the River is another program in which SOSK is involved. SOSK's role is to fund the upkeep and general maintenance of the structures. This school provides grounds for the childcare and school facility which in turn acts as a safe haven for children to be cared for, educated and fed.  


Finally, SOSK work with the Naivasha Women's Prison to skill the women on beading, sewing, basket-making and hairdressing. The classroom, built by SOSK and based in the prison, is a space for the women to generate income and continue their self development. 

The input from the Toorak Uniting Outreach Program aids in making these programs possible and helps SOSK's mission by providing much needed monetary support. 

To contribute towards the incredibly important work of SOSK, donate here


Don't forget to click into "write a note" and put the word "Outreach" so we know where to allocate your donation.

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